
Details are stated in accordance with the German Tele-Media Act (TMG) / State Broadcasting Treaty (RStV) / Regulation on Services for which Information is to be Furnished (DL-InfoV). The controller within the meaning of Section 5(1) TMG and Section 55 RStV are:

Tobias Ulbrich
Ottostr. 12
50859 Köln

Liability for content

In accordance with Section 7(1) TMG, as a so-called service provider we are responsible for our own content on this website. However, as a service provider, we do not undertake to monitor forwarded or stored third party information or even review it for circumstances that indicate illegal activity – contrast with Sections 8-10 TMG. This does not affect obligations specified by law and based on court rulings to block the use of or remove information. However, any such liability shall only take effect from the point in time at which we have gained knowledge of a specific infringement of the law or at which time gaining such knowledge was possible on our part. If we become aware of such legal infringements, we will of course remove the relevant content without delay.

Liability for links

The range of services on our website may contain so-called links to (external) websites of other providers. Understandably, we have no influence on the content of such websites. We therefore cannot and will not assume any liability for such external content. Please note that the respective operator or provider of such websites is always responsible for the content of linked sites. Of course, we have checked a linked site for possible legal violations at the time we created such links and have only created a link in those cases in which we could not detect any violation at that time. A permanent control of the content of the linked pages is neither possible nor reasonable for us without specific evidence of a violation of the law. If we gain knowledge of legal infringements on pages linked by us in the future, we shall of course remove the link to such a page immediately.


The content and works we have placed on this site are subject to German copyright law. Duplication, processing, distributing or any form of commercialisation of such material beyond the scope of the copyright law shall be subject to the prior, written, consent of the author or creator. We permit downloads and copies of this site for private use but not, however, for commercial use. If content is published on our site that does not originate from us, we will of course have respected the copyrights of third parties and, for example, identified such content as such. Should you discover an infringement of copyright contrary to expectations, we would be grateful if you could inform us accordingly. If we become aware of such infringements, we shall remove the corresponding content immediately.