Thesis 40
Safeguarding the integrity of creation and protecting human beings within the scope of the Basic Law calls for a new defence concept. This consists mainly of the development of computer-supported defence systems and defence against cyber-attacks. Furthermore, re-armament for counter-espionage operations and the establishment of separate German networks for maintenance of the state in the event of defence (independent of the internet).
Conversion of all government institutions and parliaments against EMP attacks. The control systems and EDP infrastructure are to be shielded against EMP attacks. All energy suppliers are to ensure that their line systems can withstand an EMP attack. Simulated stress tests are conducted for this purpose.
The control units for solar energy plants, which will be sold from 2021, must also be shielded against EMP attacks.
Communication will be converted to quantum level for defence purposes and the findings from communication via neutrinos (Antarctic Station of the German Universities) will be translated into practical secret defence applications.