Social policy

Thesis 52

The state task of a party is a distribution and steering function to maintain social harmony in society. To that end, all people need to have the opportunity to participate in society. In doing so, an individual’s own contribution and efforts are to be encouraged, whereas the individual’s own incapacity is not punished.

According to the statistical analysis, 5.2 percent are out of work (now with Corona it will be significantly more). This is a percentage of the population that can be reintegrated into society. Payment of a subsistence minimum of EUR 1,200 each month puts these people in a position in which they do not have to fight for their own existence every day, but have the freedom to reintegrate into society and develop.

Signatories to the declaration believe that it is important for every recipient of basic income support to receive recognition from society. Everyone can be sure that far greater integration and recognition for changing attitudes will return with the fundamental recognition of the value of these people for society as well. It changes the climate of society as a whole.

However, providing people with basic foodstuffs via Hartz IV and not allowing them to starve to death is not compatible with Article 1 of the Basic Law and the holistic view of humanity. Everyone belongs back in the middle of society as part of our people. The goal is to give everyone a perspective.

The education of and support for the weak up to their integration into the world of work is a state task and duty for all recipients of basic support.

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Thesis 53

Land owned by the state is to be reallocated to social housing within urban areas without proof of other use.

Furthermore, owners who build more than 4 new housing units must be required to make one housing unit part of social housing. This will ensure that sufficient housing can be provided for all income groups of the population, including those with basic income support, in urban areas with increasing density, and ensure that ghettoisation is avoided. The newly emerging networks promote integration back to the world of work.

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Thesis 54

There is no brake on rents. The market regulates the price. Not everyone has to live and work in absolutely high-priced city locations. However, traffic and housing concepts should be created in the vicinity of conurbations to meet the demand for housing in beautiful surroundings at attractive prices. This requires new concepts to connect rural areas to the conurbations with high-speed trains and public transport in such close proximity that daily travel times remain short. Integration of flying electric taxis will expand the catchment area even further.

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Thesis 55

This concept also includes the introduction of home office concepts and the definition of work by way of targets rather than time. Studies show that working hours at a home office voluntarily and unconsciously exceed office working hours significantly. All employees who do not therefore need to be physically present could be decoupled from their offices and just as well do the work at different times at home in a family-friendly environment. This also protects the environment because this group of people is no longer required to commute.

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Thesis 56

Germany had agreed to link wage developments to increased productivity. France has done so. However, Germany has not. This development by way of non-compliance with agreements has given Germany a competitive advantage, which is clearly expressed as displeasure by neighbouring countries. The task will therefore be to encourage firms to comply with the agreements reached and adjust salaries in line with increased productivity.

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Thesis 57

There is no need to set a minimum wage. With the basic security, even start-ups can push ahead with their ideas and start-up companies without having to fear that they will starve to death tomorrow if the idea cannot be turned into an economic success and nobody provides risk capital.

At the same time, every employer knows they can no longer encourage employees to work if they do not pay salaries above the basic level. The market regulates the rest.

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