The state task of a party is a distribution and steering function to maintain social harmony in society. To that end, all people need to have the opportunity to participate in society. In doing so, an individual’s own contribution and efforts are to be encouraged, whereas the individual’s own incapacity is not punished.
According to the statistical analysis, 5.2 percent are out of work (now with Corona it will be significantly more). This is a percentage of the population that can be reintegrated into society. Payment of a subsistence minimum of EUR 1,200 each month puts these people in a position in which they do not have to fight for their own existence every day, but have the freedom to reintegrate into society and develop.
Signatories to the declaration believe that it is important for every recipient of basic income support to receive recognition from society. Everyone can be sure that far greater integration and recognition for changing attitudes will return with the fundamental recognition of the value of these people for society as well. It changes the climate of society as a whole.
However, providing people with basic foodstuffs via Hartz IV and not allowing them to starve to death is not compatible with Article 1 of the Basic Law and the holistic view of humanity. Everyone belongs back in the middle of society as part of our people. The goal is to give everyone a perspective.
The education of and support for the weak up to their integration into the world of work is a state task and duty for all recipients of basic support.